Valuation Challenge Judge: Peter Butler

We are very proud of the high quality of the the judges who volunteer to review the submissions of the participants and pick the winners. All of them hold senior positions in their firms and many have contributed to the knowledge base in the valuation field. Over the next few months, we will post bios of these distinguished people beginning with Peter Butler, CFA, ASA, MBA:

Peter Butler, Founder and Principal at Valtrend, has over 20 years of financial/business valuation experience. He holds a BS in mechanical engineering from the United States Naval Academy and an MBA (finance concentration) from San Diego State.

Prior to founding Valtrend, Peter served eight years as an officer in the Navy. Later, he worked as a financial consultant, assessing alleged damages in complex and high-stakes securities class action litigation; as a venture capitalist; and as an appraiser, valuing privately held firms and quantifying alleged economic damages in commercial litigation.

Peter is a leader, educator, and thought-leader in the field of finance. He served as a four-term president of the CFA Society of Idaho. He has been an Adjunct Professor of Finance in the MBA program at George Fox University. He has published articles in all of the major U.S. business valuation journals, a Romanian journal, and has recurring articles in the Idaho Business Review and the Idaho Society of CPA’s online newsletter. He has been invited to speak at regional, national and international valuation conferences.

Peter led an industry-wide innovation known as the Total Cost of Equity Calculator and/or the Butler Pinkerton Calculator. He developed the initial idea, is the primary author on numerous articles, and continues to deliver presentations across the country on the topic. The Calculator allows fellow appraisers to assign a cost of equity capital to a privately held company in a More Empirical: Less Subjective™ manner – something the courts have been clamoring for.

He is co-inventor of the recently developed Implied Private Company Pricing Line/Implied Private Company Pricing Model. The IPCPM has been praised in a number of valuation oriented publications. the best site to buy replica watches online. High quality watches, unbeatable prices, and fast shipping!